If you are a network marketer or you are looking to become one, then you have no doubt seen the term Attraction Marketing all over the Internet. It is currently being touted as the new BIG thing in network marketing and as the greatest thing since sliced bread.
So what you really want to know is Attraction Marketing really magic or is it a myth? Well I can tell you one thing for sure......it certainly is not anything remotely new. It is however absolutely necessary if you want to make Real Income Online. So what is Attraction Marketing you ask, it is absolutely nothing more than what the corporate world calls "Branding".
This is one thing that I have seen over and over again on the Internet and I am sure you have as well. Videos of these young network marketers who tell you how they graduated from college and decided that the Corporate World was not for them and in fact they scoff at the Corporate World. In the next sentence they tell you how they threw caution to the wind and became self employed and made a fortune on the Internet and they owe it all to attraction marketing.
Now this is the part that makes me literally laugh out loud, they say this like it is a brand new concept that they created, when in fact Attraction Marketing is nothing more than Corporate Branding. If it were not for the Network Marketing GURUs out there, you know the ones that really do make big money from network marketing and have for years, who taught these young entrepreneurs about Attraction Marketing, these young folks would not be earning more than a few dollars. Now what all of these successful young Network Marketers don't realize is that the old GURUs that taught them everything there is to know about Attraction Marketing, learned it from their experience in the Corporate World when they were applying Corporate Branding to the companies they used to work for.
So how can I sit here and tell you that Attraction Marketing really is nothing more than Corporate Branding? Well if you know anything about me then you would know that I have been creating websites and web applications for corporate America for over 14 years. In that time I have been applying the principles of Corporate Branding to all of the products that I create for them. Brick and Mortar companies have know for years that it is all about customer perception. That is if the public perception is that your products are inferior, well then your products are inferior......even if you have the best products on the market. If you can brand your products as the highest quality and most reliable, then that is how the paying customers will see them....even if it is not the truth. Now you still have to have a decent product, but 75% of it is public perception. To give you a good example look at the Pet Rock. In the 1970s this plain rock bought at a builders supply store and re-branded as a live pet made Gary Dahl a millionaire.
Now if you still don't see how Corporate Branding is related to Attraction Marketing, well then you have not done your homework on Attraction Marketing. What attraction marketing mentors will teach you is that YOU are the corporation. That is right....it is that simple. You are the corporation. Now has that sunk in yet? One more time then...YOU = Corporation. The fundamental principle of Attraction Marketing is that you have to market yourself. You have to Brand yourself as something of value. If you can create the perception that you are more valuable than those you come into contact with, well then you have positioned corporation YOU at the top of public perception. Once you have branded corporation YOU as one of the best, your contacts....aka your public.... will see everything that you have to offer ( known as your products ) as superior to all others. This is when they will start to pursue you to get to be a part of Corporation You. When that happens is when you really start to make Real Income Online.
In my next blog entry I will continue to look at personal branding and how it can take whatever business you are involved in to the next level.
Nick A Adams
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